quinta-feira, junho 04, 2009
My days..
When I wake up again after a few hours since you've gone to work, and find you not there, I miss you.. And count hours until you get back.. :/ I like weekends now, cos then we can wake up together... :3
Hmph, I just realised.. When we get visitors ( mostly mum and dad, cos all the others sleep laaaaaate ) I have to wake up early.. -.- I dont want them to sneak around here without surveillance.
I'm getting hungry, so it's just these few lines now.. I just wanted to write something in here, to keep this 'alive'.. ^^'
I love you, my nelly bear! *hugs*
quarta-feira, abril 29, 2009
sábado, abril 25, 2009
2 days!
I'm scared... A bit, of all this moving in thing... It's gonna be the first time that i take a so seriously step like this...
And besides i feel you are not completly happy...
...I know, hun... it's hard to move, you will miss your people, i understand that, but i want you to know that i'll support you always, and i'll hug you, and cheers you up... like you said to me "You're what keeps my thoughts clear, and hold me up so I dont fall. Or if I do... You're the one to pull me up. And hold me close, never to push me down again." And that's the main reason i'm living...
I love you, honey, my love, and i promisse to you, whenever we got chance, we'll travel there, or if your parents want to pay you a trip for you to go there, i'm really ok with that... Christa can come here, not only once, but more times, and when i earn better i can pay for her trips, i just want to see you happy, i'm so happy, hun.... I have you... I wanna live all my life with you...
I feel that in here i'll be able to make your life a fairy tale, cause i have a steady job, a family that is avaiable to help us... And mostly... You have me... That will be always by your side, always!!!
But let's think on the good things, ok? A lot more than the bad things! We have OUR OWN home... It's in my name, but will be in ours soon, when we marry :3 and i'll marry you :3
We'll be living on our own, YAY! We can do whatever we wanna. :3
You know? I wont stop writing on this blog, you might, i know, but i wont... I'll keep on writing it always, even if it's just for a simple "I love my princess"
Oh! Just found out on facebook your brother likes Porto :'D i wroted there "Allez Porto Allez" sorry ^^'
You'll read this before we talk, i guess, so... I'll probably be out with dad, we need to do some stuff on our cars, go to see if the apartment is already ready, and we'll go to stores, so don't wonder, ok? Would be nice to get a text from you when you ready this tho... ok? Love! <3>
domingo, abril 19, 2009
I can't wait!!! I can't waaaaaaaaaitttttt x3
Living together, we can do anything!! No more msn to comunicate!!! (Except when i'm working hard *cough*)
We'll live together!!!!! nhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih ^^'
Of course you are scared! I'm scared too, but you are gonna MOVE from COUNTRY that's a huge deal of stuffy stuff! damn! You did all this for me :3 our love is so amazingly real :3
But i'll be here for you, just for youuuuuuuuuuuuuu, helping you through the hard times and everything you need! And we can do travels, when we are a little healthier on money we can go regularly to Finland and to visit your friends and family, and i really want that, i really enjoyed Finland, it's great for spending some time, though i thing i would freeze if i stayed there more than two weeks, i've noticed when i went there that i'm really not used to that kinda cold, it's really extreme for a latin guy x'D
Yeah, we are having a lot of things already for our home, more than i was expecting for, my parents are beeing really nice, and they didn't gave any opinion on stuff, so i choose all by myself :3 and i choose the sofa more accordingly to your tastes... Textile, orange, big, comfy, with big pillows!!! Your love it! And there's some side puffs, it's so nice!!!
And the bedroom furniture, it's so me! x) Simple and straight line, i really hope you'll like it! And our big kitcheen. It's already with a lot of appliances! Woven, the black thingy to cook, fridge, dishwasher machine, washing machine, microwave...
Towels??? x'D Mum showed me 30 minutes ago the tons of new towels she will gave us xD But i want us to buy some of our own :3 We already have the forks and knifes, we'll have glasses (i dunno why mum bought them long time ago, and never used them) but now it's ours :3 Tony gave us the TV, Teia offered a table for the rats (i think it's too small, but would be rude to refuse) if you don't like it we can use it for wood for the fireplace xD
We have coffe thingyes (for the non existing coffe machine) maybe you'll find someone to give us a coffe machine, huh? x'D (and at this moment i dunno if it's coffe or coofe)
:3 Of course we'll visit the city, and other cities! I'm thinking at a later time, when you have your bike here in buy a bike for my own and then we can go bike togheter, what do you think?
Yeah, i'll use dad's car, cause our little car only have two seats, just for us :3
Actually dad already mentioned that when someone come visit us we can use his car, and isn't it a fancy car? x)
And i'll teach you how to drive x3 And when we have money for it, you'll have your pink, green or orange car x3
My little baby princess :3 You moved your room, and carried furniture and tv's all by yourself! You are the greatest! You are so strong, in a fragile skin, but so strong!!! I love you! You are the greatest beeing of all :3
And here i am, babbling, i'm so tired that i'm hyper!!! x3 Usually it happens, you'll see howe it works, i will arrive home, "i'm so tired, blablablabla" then i go, and do this and that and that other thing, and i annoy you and all, you'll gonna have to yell at me to stop doing stuff and babbling, then we'll go to bed and the moment i hit my head in the pillow i'll be sleeping x'D You'll see!
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove youuuuuuuuu :3
I'm so fucking proud i have you! I love you!!!!! :3:3:3
I love you!!!! I love you, i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
sexta-feira, abril 17, 2009
"I'm far from lonely, and it's all that I've got."
I'm so scared!! o.O But I trust that you'll make it all okay for me, there... You'll be with me thru some hard times, when I miss home and.. My friends.. Right? I know you will will... It's what you always say. ^^ My darling dear.
Think what all kindsa things we already have for us! Kitchen stuff... Bedroom stuff... We just need the bed... x) And some towels would be usefull.. :'D And food... And then just you and me.. :3
Mum told me that when she and dad moved in, they only had a bed, a minifridge beside the bed, and a tv... So after work and weekends they just laid in bed watching tv and they only had to leave the room to make coffee in the kitchen and use the bathroom... x) Doesnt that sound just right for us, too? :'D Tho I know we'll visit places together... :3 Explore the city and the surrounding areas... x3 I'm so fucking proud I have you!!! You have no idea.... x3
Hmmmmm... I was thinking.... We'll have some visitors from time to time.... What will we do when we need to pick them up or if we wanna go somewhere with them? Like see a game or something... Will we use your dad's car? o.O
And I want you to teach me to drive!! x3 I WANT THAT PINK CAR!!! xD
What else... o.O I noticed that the blond haircolor kinda makes my eyes seem more blue.. Which I think is nice... But the blond is kinda... Hmm.. Too blond.. xD You'll see.. ^^
You satisfy my every need... :3 Even tho you always seem so insecure about it.. You should really finally realize it, honey love... I only want you! I dont need any gadgets, furniture, any fancy things... I dont need luxury, nothing like that... Just you. Ok baby? I really dont like it when you always think that you'd fail if you dont do something right... Hun, no one's perfect... But you're perfect for me, with your every... "flaw"..
Hmmm.. Ok, actually no.. I love you COS of them...
Even tho I always say something like you'd had to stop doing something... -.-' It's often just cos I'm annoyed by something else and then I take it out on the poor sweet you.. ^^' I'm sorry about that, babes.. You know it will be so much different when we're together... ^^ No harsh fights... We dont need them when we're next to each other.. :3
I need to eat something now or I'll pass out and you'll start to think I'm being super cold cos I'm not answering anything when you get here... xD
domingo, abril 12, 2009
What i feel when i'm far from you...
I miss you... So incredibly much... I don't imagine my life without you anymore... You are my life, and without you i would die...
I feel so lost, when i'm not with you... You are my guiding star...
I've never told you this, but... One of my hardest moments of my life was the trip from Helsinki to Porto... I've cried so much... I had with me the keychain picture thingy and the moment i turned it on tears started to roll... Then when i got into the Frankfurt airport, i got so lost... That i went to the bathroom to cry, so no one could see me with tears in my eyes...
I miss you... So much...
And even despite i say that it's only 15 days, and we are together again... It's hard... And everyday far from you it's pain... And it's a eternity...
I'll be yours forever...
I love you... <3<3<3<3
PS: Now i'll try to sleep ^^
sexta-feira, abril 10, 2009
Starting our life...
Few days left and... We'll be living our life! Alone! In our home!!!
It's a great apartment, and i know you'll like it, tho empty it's our place. :3 And yeah, when we have it all legal, and all the papers and all, for the permanent stay of you in here, i'll put it in your name too... But it's ours already, of course.. <3
My life is to be by your side... Since the moment i first talked to you, confirmed with the hug we gave at the Lisbon airport, i've never thought you would hug me like that, you were so warm so... Unique... It was like one of the best moment of my life... And i was so scared, you know that... That maybe you wouldn't like me, the way i look, so i was like "Look at me" And you looked a bit, you looked so lost, and you hugged me again, i would spend hours like that, i've never felt so confortable. And i was not scared anymore...
Now we are moving in! You are gonna come here to live with me! 27 of April 2009, i can't wait for it...
I just wished i had more money like... NOW! So we could decorate the whole place and move your things here without caring about money, but hey... Money will come with time, besides... I gotta start earning more soon. :3
When i work, i now work for us! :3
I'm so nervous about graduation, not that much about beeing in the school, but more because i have to face all your family!
Hum... I'll write more like tomorrow or Sunday, cause i'm not that bright today, as you have noticed x) i've writed a lot of anything x')
I love you, my princess, my baby, my love, my crazy hyper super scandinavian snow princess :3
My future wife! And this is a sure thingy! :3
Love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
sexta-feira, março 27, 2009
Longing for a kiss..
Hmmm.. Apparently grandparents wanna have grandma's 60th birthday in Portugal, with us... And my parents, but it would be in July and my parents can only come there in August, as you know.. But anyways... We will have so many visitors, at least in the first few months... x) Poor us... Can't enjoy ourselves freely.. But I think it would be fun, and of course, it would help me settle down there, if I have some familiar faces, other than you, there... At times...
Hmm.. If they call you saying that we get the place.. Would you like it that I came there after Easter? That's if I get enough money for the tickets.... :/ But I'm guessing I could get some from parents and grandparents, it wouldn't be all that much anyways...
Oh and you know what? I just love to plan all those things with you... :3 It will be our home... Our place... Our own little paradise.. :3 Even if it was some crappy old flat with no running water and no electricity, it would be a paradise for me. Cos it would be ours.. Just you and me there... In our perfect little life... x3
I love you!!! Hear that? I LOVE YOU!!
I miss your lips...
terça-feira, março 24, 2009
The perfection...
Can't wait for the sweet moment to come, when we will start living together, we can do what we wanna do, freely and without restrictions!
We'll have a place for us, that we can mold it our own, we can be ourselves in any part of it...
I want to spend with you the warm days of summer in the balcony, we can use some blankets so that we don't lay on the floor, but you'll see how warm is it in here, even in the middle of the night, and we can lay there till the sun start to rise, and then we can go to bed.
Your parents seem to start to accept more easily about us, if it's so, it's great!
You know there's a saying, or at least a lot of people say it, that when someone have a perfect life it's like "American dream" well... i have a new definition for it "Viivi and Nelson" we are our American dream, cause we are perfect together.
I had a dream today, it was mostly cause of the conversation we had yesterday, so i dreamed about it...
I was at work, and with a lot to do, i had piles of paper in my desk, i looked at the clock on my mobile phone, it was already 19.00, and i planned to stay at work till at least 21.00, but in my phone there was a text.. "I miss you, can you come home and leave all the junk work for tomorrow?"
I didn't think twice, i shuted down the computer grabbed my jacket and drive home, as i started to open the home door, i heard some quick steps, i opened the door, and at the same moment i was attacked by a strong hug, that i had to step back, so we standed there in the hallway, hugging, and we started to kiss also, and we were there like for already 2 minutes you wispered me... "Neighbors" and i said "So what?" We hugged some more, then we steped home hand to hand...
I love your hugs, they can last forever, and i'll never get tired of it..
I remember i woke up to the dream and i talked something like "Thanks for the reception, hun" and dad heard me "She's not there, monkey!" Yeah, he calls me monkey sometimes xD i call him gorilla, so... xD
Anyway... If there's a defenition for perfection... It's us...
I love you, snow shinny princess. <3<3<3<3
quarta-feira, março 18, 2009
It's so true...
I'm so dead scared of the moving now.... But I'm guessing some of it is just relocated fear... I mean. From the finals, and the ending of my high school. And I've just summed it all up and splatted it on the moving. As if it was somehow more normal to be afraid of that than... All the other stuff...
As ( I think ) I've told you, I'm sure I've been in love with you all my life.. How would you have all the things I've ever wanted in a guy if it wasn't so? I'm just asking...
"Ce que je vais vous dire n'est pas facil à entendre, impossible à admettre, mais si vous voulez bien écouter notre histoire, si vous voulez bien me faire confiance, alors peut-être que vous finirez par me croire et c'est très important car vous êtes, sans le savoir, la seule personne au monde avec qui je puisse partager ce secret."
sábado, março 14, 2009
You'll always be safe with me...
Anyway i can talk about those three...
The apartment as you know will have the final decision within 2 weeks, the bank will tell us if we can have the place or not... And that it's like the "sure", then it's already with the apartment guaranteed that we'll wait for the "habitation documents" so we can start moving...
If we get that apartment, hun... It's a great place, you'll love it...
Your parents... I know you are the one suffering about this whole situation created by them... But i'm am of course sad, really, deply sad... We love so much each other... Why can't they acept that? I thought that they supported us so much... I know it's hard for them to watch their little girl moving, but... Isn't that the law of the life? Of course there's a big distance and all, but... There are phones, internet and plane trips...
I already heard mum crying, and i'm just moving to a apartment in the same town... I understand it's always hard for them, but... We gotta move on our life...
Anyway, when at our place, i'll make you feel confortable, we'll be happy, and i'll have a good reason to leave work earlier ^^'
I'll be at work, waiting for the 18.00 to arrive, to go to my beautiful girl...
My work... Well, i'm so happy that my work is going so well, it's like... I'm only there for less than 2 years and i already heard so much people talking good about me...
My boss, the main guy in the company, the owner of the whole thing already told my dad that i'll be very important in the company, he also said it more than once, and to more than one person... And i gotta say that the reason i'm trying to be so perfect it's because i have you... I wanna provide you a stable life, with no money problems, of course that i don't earn like... millions of money, but i'm there for less then two years, and i've been raised already 3 times...
And yeah... I'm just missing you like crazy... I miss your smell, your touch, your voice, your hugs... YOU... I want you for the rest of my life, you ARE my life...
I love you so much, i'll always and forever will...
Well... This is like... what keeps me from sleep... But yeah, this is just a sum... cause i could go on and on and on about this... I wish you would be awake now so we could talk, but i hope you are sleeping well and tight and warm!
I love you, baby <3
Princess, hun!
terça-feira, março 10, 2009
...remind me to tell you this one idea, cos i'll forget it in 2 mins again.
And I think it's so unfair that my parents act like that... I heard mum cry again... Ok, I didn't hear what they were talking about, but... I don't think there's that much to cry about now.
I wish I could already start packing.. :/ *sigh* I still have to do those stupid freaking finals ( and the first is on FRIDAY!!! o..o ) And after that... I might have time to better think it thru.. What and how I will have with me to take there. And gods I hope it doesn't take 2 months for all that!! o.o I wanna be there! ó.O With you...
I would so love to just get the bags here on the floor and go thru everything I have.. 'this one comes with... this one not... this one goes in that back.. this one in the other one... this I have to wrap in something so it wont break...'
Whatever I don't take there, I have to put in boxes or something... And then we're gonna put all that I leave here to the smallest room here.. -.-' Parents' bedroom... I think you never went there, so... You don't know what it's like... But.. It's like... Half of mine. And there's 2 doors.. One to the livingroom... Tho it's blocked by the closets and bookshelves, but.... Still.. Stupid room... And if I have to spend some days there, it will be hell for me... -.-' Cos my brother - as you know - is an ass and only cares about himself...
Still, if changing into a tiny little crappy room means moving to Portugal sooner, I'd do it now.
I love you, Nelly bear<3
domingo, março 08, 2009
We are gonna live together!
Even if they say no we'll go for another, little smaller and cheaper apartment, but still bigger than the ones we are used to!
But that one was great! So big and, and, and... Wonderful!!! And with great sights!
Anyway it will be great to live with you :3
I already asked for Tony's TV, he said yes (of course) he's a great guy, he always gives things! Oh and the little kid is avaiable to take care of the rats ^^
Well... This was more to keep this blog alive, i dunno what more to write, but i don't wanna stop writing on this blog ^^
I love you so much honey! :3
quinta-feira, fevereiro 19, 2009
It's today!
See you later honey! We'll sleep together tonight! <3<3<3
terça-feira, fevereiro 17, 2009
Almost there...
Can't wait to hold you again in my arms, to be in the bed hazing like we used to do at the hotel, hugging you, kissing you, laughing and babbling... I really love you...
I'll leave home around 3.30, to be in Porto at 4.30, the plane is at 6.25, all this is a.m. hour, I'll arrive Frankfurt at 10.10, German time... I really hope i don't get lost there ^^' I've seen their website, and they are BIG! You know that if you wanna change terminal you have to go by subway? How wicked is it?
Anyway i have around 4 hours to do what i wanna, they have a lot of stores so i just might walk around and see stuff... I gotta eat something too...
I'll leave Germany at 14.05, please send me a text at 13.15.... hum... by your time will be at 14.15, i don't wanna risk forgetting what time is it. ^^
I don't travel for such a long time, and i must admit that flying is not very comfortable for me... Anyway, i don't mind x)
I'll arrive Helsinki at 17.30, i wanna HUG you!!!! I'll be so lost... That I'll probably don't recognize anyone, cause I'll be looking... But... Not seeing anything, so... Attack me :'D
Oh, and remind me to call my parents... I mean i might be so excited that i may just forget x)
And then... Your parents... I'll meet them for the first time in my life... Oh gods! xD
But... Anything for you my love...
I hope they don't lose my luggage... :'D
I love you, my honey! :3
quinta-feira, fevereiro 12, 2009
Imagine me and you...
I'm cleaning the closet! And you know, the first thing there is is your bag... ^^' I still have to empty one of the shelves for you.. o.ö I dunno which one.. x/ Cos I kinda need the clothes there... Well, I'll figure that out when it's like a few days till you're here ( it already is!!! only one week!! )
I love you<3
...and that's all. ^^'
quarta-feira, fevereiro 11, 2009
I try to be perfect for you...
I know that sometimes i might seem passive, like in this apartment stuff... But... OK, I'll tell you every time I'm looking for them, but usually i do it when we are not talking, then if nothing interesting comes up i forget... But... I promise I'll only look for apartments when we are talking... I'm also serious about this... I really wanna move with you, i only wish i had so much more money, things would get so much more easy, but this wont stop us for finding a perfect first place for us...
Living together with the girl i love... I can't really believe that it WILL happen ^^ and not that far... It will be soon... What is the feeling of going home to be with the one i love? It must be so amazing! Waiting to arrive that time of the day where we'll both be at home and... We can be there for each other... Gosh... I really love you!
You know i think we already had a little of "home", when you were at the hotel and i was at work and you were there... Waiting for me :3 So amazingly great! Too bad you were a bit sick :( When you are sick it's like... I wanna get sick too... And be there feeling the same thing as you so you don't feel lonely... But... Even if i'm sick too, I'll always care for you, and cook for you, and giving you bath, and stuff like that ^^'
You are eveything to me... You are my heart... I love you my little princess!
I'll be by your side
Till death do us part
Baby, I'll be yours
My love will never end
Till death do us part
There'll be good times
And there'll be bad
But I will stand beside you woman
All the way
And through the years
As life will put us through
When snow will fall on winter nights
I'll keep you warm inside
8 days... 8 days and i'll be there... to spend 4 whole days with you!! Plus the evening of the 19th ^^'
I'll so cry at the airport ^^' Silly boy...
But... For you... i don't hide my feelings... That night in the hotel, was like... the first time i cryed so much in front of someone... It was quite a show, huh? ^^' It just wouldn't stop xD I was like thinking to myself... "Stop you stupid asshole, fucking mooron" xD
But despite all...
Life's worth living... Cause you exist, and cause we exist as "us"
I love you so much! <3<3<3<3
quarta-feira, fevereiro 04, 2009
I'm your Nelly Bear... You are safe with me...
I understand that sometimes you get all sad and down, it's normal, i get that too... You miss me, you need me, i understand all that cause... I feel the same everyday...
You have afraid to fall... Don't! You are safe with me... And... We are strong, we have to carry on, cause it will be worth it... We are in love we are immortal together...
And i wont let you fall...
We need each other...
I love you my little beautiful, honey princess...
I'm so scared when i see you down like that... I get so afraid... I dunno what to write more... Just... Don't fall... you are safe with me... I love you so much... You mean everything to me... You are my world...
segunda-feira, fevereiro 02, 2009
I wanna marry you..
I listened to this song this morning, and it's been playing on and on in my head all day. I... I was gonna write more but I forgot what it was... Anyways, I think this pretty much sums up all I had to say...
Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night, it's only right
To think about the girl you love and hold her tight
So happy together
If I should call you up, invest a dime
And you say you belong to me and ease my mind
Imagine how the world could be, so very fine
So happy together
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
I can't sleep..
I just miss you so much, your touch, your smell, your amazing kiss... I miss you... I would like to skip this few months and have you here for good... And then i would like to skip again the studies time and have you here for good... And start our life for good...
Before i went to bed today my dad came to me to talk about the suitcase i'm gonna take it there, i still haven't bought one... And the one i have is sucky! Then he interrupted that subject and asked me... "Did you ever felt this for someone? I can see in your eyes that she's the one..."
I tried to hold my tears in and said something like "Let's put it this way... You need water and sun to live right? Well... She's my water, my sun, my everything... I love her, and she loves me... The future is us..." Then i went to bed.
Can you immagine? My curiosity about your country made me talk to you... To a person i didn't knew... I don't do that often, i don't do it at all, but i had the courage to start talking to you..
Since i was like... 16 me and my friend also Nelson dreamed on making a trip together to Finland i don't remember the reasons quite well, but i remember that one of the reasons was the snow... We even started to look for cheap flights, but then suddently we stop talking and we moved to different classes so, we didn't talk more... But my passion for Finland carried on... And now... Cause of that passion i'll live with a finnish girl for the rest of my life... Even living in here, i want to visit Finland a lot... Promisse me you'll wanna visit your country too, a lot ok?
But... When i started talking to you, and getting to know you better the passion for the country was not anymore a important thing, cause someone more was growing... I started to love you... And... Feeling things i never felt before...
You made me wanna life intensibly again, you have saved me, my little snow flower...
Life's worth living with you ^^
I wanna kiss you, hug you, pet you, pet your eyebrows, your back, your... soft skin... I love you and i miss you...
That's why i'll live that four whole days at max. I'll life them like there's no life tomorrow... I LOVE YOU!
I wonder how i'll react at the airport, when i get to hug you again... I can just hug you, i can start to cry without stoping like in the other night when we were at the hotel... I can react in some many different ways... So be prepared...
I'll be so lost, that's a sure... I might be blind and not see anyone... Just attack me if i feel lost ^^'
Don't mind me if i don't react that well with your parents, or if i'm just too quiet if i'm with them... It's just my way... I'm shy...
Uh... I'm bleeding through my nose, this is sooooooo unpleseant :/
Healed now... at least doesn't taste like blood anymore...
Gosh, i should go to bed... Tomorrow i have a lot of work to do... There's a new season of labels to make, and we have to make samples for the new season, it's a hard time, and i'll skip some few work days to go there, so i really have a lot to do :/
But well... i had to write this...
quinta-feira, janeiro 29, 2009
21 days...
It's close already, not as close as i would have wanted, but it's close...
I'm nervous, i must admit, more than i would imagine... I'm realllllly nervous ^^'
Meeting your parents... Your mum and dad... Well, from what i know they seem to be pretty cool, but i'm really nervous about meeting them...
Your mum... She sounded a bit too serious, or even harsh, when we talked on the phone, but i kinda felt safe on her words, and the nice text she wrote me after my text in new years kinda made me feel like part of the family.
Your dad... I don't know that much about him, and he wants to take me to sauna... And... If he says something and you are not there to rescue me? If he talks like... things? :'D But he's a nice guy, right? ^^'
And your brother? Ville?? Well... Probably i wont talk to him... But... I hope he doesn't look at me like a stranger...
The worst part is that they'll be at home a loooooooooot x) can't you kick them out?? ^^'
I wanna visit your school... I want to visit Mäntsälä... I want you to show me your place near the train thingy... I wanna see it all, i wanna see it all with you :3
I hope you'll have the perfect night at Huili, reservation for 2 at... 16.00? :'D
That's dinner to you, but it's lunch to me! But i hope, we'll have the perfect day!
I so wanna be there, with you!!!!!! The public hugs just to annoy people! :3 Can i hug you at your school? ^^'
And hun... Mark me up... ^^'
just missing you, as usual...
It's our number, huh? ^^' And guess who's coming to Finland after only 21 DAYS? You!! That's exactly 3 weeks! YAY!! x)
Erhm... ^^'
I can't wait till you're here, honey.. It's like... Now I actually look forward to have those listening comprehension parts for all the finals I'll have, cos I know, that only one week from that, you're here, with me.. And we can be together again, finally..!
And even tho it's only for a few days, my love, I know it's worth it. It always is, isn't it? To talk, to see that you're there, even tho it's only fights and mean words. Like you said yourself, it's only cos we miss each other so much.
I hate to fight with you, I so do... Tho sometimes it's just fun.. x) Think hun, when we live together there and we'll have these stupid little arguments, it's gonna be so much easier... You know how to piss me off, but I know that when you're right next to me, I have no reason to be mad at you. I love you...
You know I'm afraid of moving there. But I dont want you to ever think that I'd have any doubts about it, honey! When I was there, for that week in December, I felt like I was finally home. It's a weird feeling... I just felt so in peace with myself, you know? I hope you could feel the same when you come here, but... I cant really say that I'd be sure you do. Your home is there, just like mine is. Maybe at some point we have a little change of heart and feel the need to move here. I wouldn't mind. But for now... Even if I decide to come here to study, It's only temporary for me. My life is in Portugal now. Cos sweetie... YOU are in Portugal. You're my Portugal...^^'
( My first thingy on our blog.. nhih! ^^' I'm so sure this makes you more than happy, huh? )
quarta-feira, janeiro 28, 2009
Overly unactive...
I know i had a overly active life, but now... I just wanna be sited, and talk to youuuuuuuu...
Yeah, i know you are bored all the time and you would like to do something... But I'm not like that... Not anymore at least... Maybe cause i had enough of my going outs and i just wanna settle now... And... With youuuuuuuuuuu...
But maybe it's just a phase and i begin to be more active again and going out or something... Thought i doubt it...
As you know i used to play football... I was never home... In fact to be honest i almost didn't had a home, just went there to sleep, and i got enough of it.
I can't live without exercise, my body got so used to that, and now i have to go to gym, otherwise I'll be all... Weird... And besides I've promised you i would be more fit when I'm in there, and not get tired so easily.
One thing's for sure i wont sleep all that much when I'm there, i don't have work, so it will be much more easy, and we don't have the Xmas stress, so... I really hope it will be some non stressing days... Tho... There's nothing relaxing about meting your people, and the fact they all talk english wont help all that much...
I miss football... You know i do... But i had to leave it, wouldn't be fair to spend all weekends out and not be able to talk to you (and maybe that's why sometimes i get upset when you say you going out, i go out too but... you know what i mean) besides the trainings... I had to leave it... But gosh! I miss it... I love to run, i love to play with passion and rough... I must admit... I even feel some pleasure when i got red cards...
But now... I only want to be active with you, for you...
terça-feira, janeiro 27, 2009
segunda-feira, janeiro 26, 2009
20th December, 2008
20th December, 2008
9.30... I woke up, you've made be online cause you'd be very nervous, and you really were.
It was sooooooo difficult for me to wake up, you know that at the previous night i had that party, the company party, and i went to bed at 4.00, so i just wanted to rest, cause i would have a long trip ahead of me, and you know it's long trip, we've made it twice together.
You really were nervous...
We talked till you had to go to the airport... It was a great conversation, at least i've felt a bit more... Calm...
"See you later then"
I went to prepare myself for the upcoming week, i packed my bag prepared my laptop and i was realy to go and buy the last goods...
I went to shower... While i was showering Tony called "Are you nervous man?" "Yeah..." "Don't be... It's gonna be ok, i know it" - He was right...
Then i went to the hotel, i went to do the check-in room 215... Although we had to change it later to 225? Was it?
Loading the car with fuel... Text... "Oh... Now i'm all on my own here... I feel sooo lost... o.o gods, this is so weird, i'm like really coming there... Soon.. O.O i love you, honey..."
Went home, car was ready, bags too, good for the trip also, money and gps all set... In the next 5 hours i couldn't contact you...

I lunched... Went to the car and start driving, i was ahead of schedule so i drove calmly, but i was soooooooooo nervous, i've stoped like 4 times on the rest-stop...
In the moment I've seen the sign "Lisboa 50km" i was like "O.o oh my god, it's 17.30... 2hours... so close" But strangely i felt more calm, this calmness lasted till the moment i entered the airport...
I parked the car...
"Helsinki - Arrivel time 19.25" - It's so close... It's 19.15 already...
"Helsinki - Landed 19.26" O.o
Text "I just got my case from the line and i have absolutely no idea what i should do now... I'm so in panic"
Awnser "Just... follow the people"
Text "But... These people are going everywhere!"
Ok, at this moment i called you...
-So... i can't go in there... You have to come here...
-I'm sitted on the suitcase, this is so heavy
-You have to cross the green door...
-I see two doors...
-Wait... I'll ask the lady what you should do... I'll call you soon"
-The lady said the only thing you have to do is come through this door...
-OK... Ugh! This is heavy... Uf...
-OK, I'm seeing you already... Turn right... Your right... I'll meet you at the end... See ya"
Then... the moment i'll never forget... You were there... So... beautiful, with those beautiful eyes... You looked so lost... I got near you "Hi"... We huged... With a hug that lasted for like 5 minutes, all the people staring at us...
We touched our lips...
"We can give hands..."
I carried your suitcase, gods it was heavy, you were right... You texted your mum...
And we looked for the place were i parked the car.. You know i always get so lost... I never know were i park...
Trip... A non-awkard silence... So beautiful sound of you when you breath... Sound of you playing with the piercing... So cute ^^
After the quick visit to my parents, were you almost faint we went to the hotel...
"Can i kiss you? ^^'" We kiss almost a kiss with no end... and then we hug and cuddle... For so long...
From that moment on... We were sure...
Forever, princess...
quinta-feira, janeiro 22, 2009
I'm so... Yours....
I'm so in love with you, i'll be forever yours...
I've found in your heart a place for me... Now... It's our heart...
You can count on me to help you when you're down, to take your fears away.
I can't wait to fall asleep and wake up again on your side... Less then one month, and you'll have me there...
I'm so yours... You so own me...
Yours forever,
Nelly bear...
You are so amazing...
What could i possibly want more?
You are amazing, great!
Funny, caring, loving, tender, loyal, beautiful, warm, tasteful, simple yet complex ^^', petite, smart, graceful, i dunno... So many good things on you...
I love you, you are so great! And you are miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine ^^'
You are making a scarf for me ^^' that's so cute, nobody have done that for me before... I love everything you give me...
And that scarf, i'll use it always (In the winter, of course)
Well... honey bee... I love you!!!! :3
quarta-feira, janeiro 21, 2009
Happy Birthday!!
I know you don't care much about your birthday, but hey, it's you... so it's always important for me at least...
Anyway, 19 years old... We both know ages for us don't matter, we act likes kids anyways, and it's gonna be always like this, huh? ^^'
Able to be serious when we really need, but... We choose the kiddish way, and it's great! xD
Well... I hope you like my gifts, you don't have to like them, or pretend you liked them just to please me, and it's not something you need... But i think they are pretty so that's a match with you...
Honey... Since long time ago...
I've asked myself what would my life be without you..
And since that, i want you, i love you, i adore you and i want you again...
Till the day i dye, you can count on me...
segunda-feira, janeiro 19, 2009
I want it now!
Well, i was never one of those persons, i always was thinking about the present trying to make one day at a time, but without thinking about the future, cause in the past my future seemed so dark and unhappy, well... It's different now...
Truth that i'm still trying to survive every each day and hopefully going to bed and sleep without any concern, sometimes that is just not possible, but now and all of a sudden my future seems so good and bright...
The click happened and now it all makes more sense to me, we'll move, we'll have our home, eventhough you don't know anything about portuguese, well, you wont need it ^^ eventhough we are so poor, but we'll live together, and happy, and that's our future, that's what we want, and after we are together we'll live our days like they were the last of our life, but always thinking about the future, cause we are immortal together... Confusing? Huh? ^^
Well... All this to say one simple thing... My next future will be 19/02... Till that day i'll enter in autopilot mode when i'm not talking with you, cause... You are all i live for... I can't wait for it, and time goes so slow when we want it to run...
sexta-feira, janeiro 09, 2009
I'm living for you... Only for you...
What can i say? She's perfect! I'm engaged! We will marry, we have no doubts, even our families agree... It's so much easier this way...
And... She's perfect!!!
We have the rings already x)
We've spend a great week together! In February i'll go there to meet her family ^^' I'm so nervous about it... But i don't mind, it's my girlfriend family, so it's my family too ^^'
She's perfect...
sexta-feira, janeiro 02, 2009
Deeeeeeeeeply in Love...
I've fallen for you, so deply, i'm so into you... that now... My life depends on you...
I know you feel the same... And that makes me so happy, never thought this kind of feeling could ever been felt by someone... But it can... And i'm feeling it now...
I love you Viivi...
I miss so much your touch, your smell, your hand holding mine, your lips, your voice, your way of looking, your laughs... I even miss the snowman ^^'
Honey? I love you! I always and forever will...
We are far away from each other... But, i'm sure about the future... The future is us...
As i've told you in the calls i've made to you on New Years, 2009 will be our year, we'll move and we'll start on living together, you own my heart. I'm yours...
I love you, honey <3
terça-feira, maio 13, 2008
Well, did you ever have this "I'll do this so much better than anything" kind of felling? This was just a question...
Today was a nice day... Had fun during
the day, yes, cause i have fun at work, i'm not only those kind of
person that is waiting for the hour to leave, i just like to work, i do
it with pleasure, and this way i can sleep in the night never worring
about work... Things that don't usually let me sleep at night are: my
hypocondriasis, and lack of sex... Yes... Why not to say if it's true?
Lack of sex makes you not be able to sleep at night...
Moving forward...
Although it was a fun day i felt very
tired, i usually only sleep 4 hours per day, this last night i slept
for 5 hours, i guess when i oversleep i get tired and tired...
So, when i looked at the watch was
already 18.20 i had to leave work quickly, and high speed by car to the
gym... This is one thing that sometimes i dream about... High speed car
accident, you know... I guess it's just in my nature, i walk fast, i
run or runned fast... i just don't like to lose time...
Then this girl of the gym... She
looked at me all the time... i was on the bikes, and she just stared at
me... I paused my exercise and when to her... told her... "Sorry to ask
you this... But... You know... It's possible not to stare at me? I
would understand if i was a pretty boy, but i'm not that special" She
replyed... "Until you do not accept to go out with me, i'll not stop
this harassement! I'll win you by force if i have to! By the way you
look hot when sweting" Never heard this kind of words on a sober
girl... Well, but now it's a matter of honer, i'll not cave, and she
will not win me xD
Now i'm at home... writing with my russian friend...
sábado, maio 10, 2008
The day started awfully good, yes...
I went to the mechanic, it seem that instead of 350€ i have to spend only 75€... That's a good new...
I've read the newspaper, finally
FCPorto will get rid of that annoyng player, Bosingwa, he says so many
stupid things... So not good for the club he's in... FCPorto have
rules, and discipline, eventhough he's the best right defender of the
OK... Lunch was ok... Saturdays lunch
are this kinda fast-food stuff, i already know that dinners will be
pasta... It's all in the book!
Then i cleaned my room (!) yes, i do it!
Then the part of the day that i was waiting for finally came, yes...
At 19:45 i had to leave for the
football match, somehow i was sad to leave, didn't enjoy the match, in
fact i didn't even watch it... I was there, i know we won 2-0 2 goals
from Farias, but... I wasn't thinking of the game...
Plus, my neck still hurts, i wonder
what's this? I know, i've had a past of hypocondrism, and i have this
neutropenia thing... But it hurts, i can fell it... I think i'll go to
the doctor soon...
I'm still sad...