20th December, 2008
9.30... I woke up, you've made be online cause you'd be very nervous, and you really were.
It was sooooooo difficult for me to wake up, you know that at the previous night i had that party, the company party, and i went to bed at 4.00, so i just wanted to rest, cause i would have a long trip ahead of me, and you know it's long trip, we've made it twice together.
You really were nervous...
We talked till you had to go to the airport... It was a great conversation, at least i've felt a bit more... Calm...
"See you later then"
I went to prepare myself for the upcoming week, i packed my bag prepared my laptop and i was realy to go and buy the last goods...
I went to shower... While i was showering Tony called "Are you nervous man?" "Yeah..." "Don't be... It's gonna be ok, i know it" - He was right...
Then i went to the hotel, i went to do the check-in room 215... Although we had to change it later to 225? Was it?
Loading the car with fuel... Text... "Oh... Now i'm all on my own here... I feel sooo lost... o.o gods, this is so weird, i'm like really coming there... Soon.. O.O i love you, honey..."
Went home, car was ready, bags too, good for the trip also, money and gps all set... In the next 5 hours i couldn't contact you...

I lunched... Went to the car and start driving, i was ahead of schedule so i drove calmly, but i was soooooooooo nervous, i've stoped like 4 times on the rest-stop...
In the moment I've seen the sign "Lisboa 50km" i was like "O.o oh my god, it's 17.30... 2hours... so close" But strangely i felt more calm, this calmness lasted till the moment i entered the airport...
I parked the car...
"Helsinki - Arrivel time 19.25" - It's so close... It's 19.15 already...
"Helsinki - Landed 19.26" O.o
Text "I just got my case from the line and i have absolutely no idea what i should do now... I'm so in panic"
Awnser "Just... follow the people"
Text "But... These people are going everywhere!"
Ok, at this moment i called you...
-So... i can't go in there... You have to come here...
-I'm sitted on the suitcase, this is so heavy
-You have to cross the green door...
-I see two doors...
-Wait... I'll ask the lady what you should do... I'll call you soon"
-The lady said the only thing you have to do is come through this door...
-OK... Ugh! This is heavy... Uf...
-OK, I'm seeing you already... Turn right... Your right... I'll meet you at the end... See ya"
Then... the moment i'll never forget... You were there... So... beautiful, with those beautiful eyes... You looked so lost... I got near you "Hi"... We huged... With a hug that lasted for like 5 minutes, all the people staring at us...
We touched our lips...
"We can give hands..."
I carried your suitcase, gods it was heavy, you were right... You texted your mum...
And we looked for the place were i parked the car.. You know i always get so lost... I never know were i park...
Trip... A non-awkard silence... So beautiful sound of you when you breath... Sound of you playing with the piercing... So cute ^^
After the quick visit to my parents, were you almost faint we went to the hotel...
"Can i kiss you? ^^'" We kiss almost a kiss with no end... and then we hug and cuddle... For so long...
From that moment on... We were sure...
Forever, princess...
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